Mrs. Naomi Rivka Most
Latest Shiurim
Archives of past shiurim given in ZNT or by Rabbi Weiner. Please feel free to listen, download, and share.
For the Rov's Thursday night shiurim click here
To view by category click here.
Neshei Event – 8/26/18
Mrs. Leah Rubashkin
Tisha B’av 2018
Tisha B’av 2018 – The Rov speaking throughout the Kinos
Kashrus While Traveling
The Halachos of Kashrus While Traveling Play Play
Bossur V’Choluv
The Rav Shlita has begun a weekly shiur for the ZNT Nishei. The first topic is that of Bossur V’cholov in the Kitchen Bossur V’choluv Shiur One Play Bossur V’choluv Shiur Three Play Bossur V’choluv Shiur Four Play
Shovavim 5778 – 2018
Shovivim Shiurim given by Rabbi Weiner on Hilchos Niddah. Clear, concise and to the point these shiurim are the perfect refresher on these complicated Halochos. This series is given at the ZNT Shabbos Kollel every Motzai Shabbos during the weeks of Shovivim. Shiur One Play Intro and Intro and Kesamim Shiur Two Play Horchokos Part One
Annual Melave Malka 5778
Every year the ZNT community join together and celebrate another year at the annual ZNT Malva Malka. Thank you to the ZNT Nishei for arranging this beautiful event. This year we had the great merit to welcome Rabbi Senter as the evenings guest speaker. The audio and the video of the night’s event is available […]
Halacha sheets: Chanukah
Read online or download: ZNT Hilchos Chanukah
Macholos Osuros
The ZNT Shabbos Kollel has been a central part of the ZNT Shul for the past four years. Running throughout the year it has been a time when the sound of Torah learning replaces that of Tefillah. During the winter months, the kollel operates Motzei Shabbos as well as Shabbos day. This gives us the opportunity to offer […]
Halachos of the Nine Days
Halachos of the Nine Days