Rabbi Weiner was born and raised in Lakewood, New Jersey, and attended Yeshiva Staten Island for four years of high school. Upon arriving in Eretz Yisrael he learned in Yeshivas Toras Moshe, and subsequently in Yeshivas Mir.
He then returned to America and learned in Beis Medrash Govohah of Lakewood New Jersey for one year. Following his year in BMG, he returned to Eretz Yisrael for kollel, where he received smichah from R’ Yankel Blau ztz”l and from Yeshivas Toras Moshe.
Rabbi Weiner is currently the posek and a Rosh Kollel in Yeshivas Aderes Hatorah (Senter’s), and a Rosh Chaburah in Yeshivas Toras Moshe. He is also the Rosh Kollel of Kollel Ner Dovid night kollel in Maalot Dafna. In October of 2012, Rabbi Weiner accepted the position of Rav of Khal Zichron Nosson Tzvi.
Since his inauguration, the shul has experienced exponential growth and prides itself in being the fastest growing English speaking tzibbur in Yerushalayim.
The combination of Rabbi Weiner’s warmth, charisma, and willingness to give of himself to others, together with his many different shiurim on a variety of topics, have proven to be a successful manifestation of leadership and guidance for the kehillah.