Halacha Yomi: February 18 2018

One who wakes up in the middle of the night before עלות השחר to learn or take care of a baby or for any other reason, and plans to go back to sleep until morning, should wash their hands without a bracha. When they wake up again later after עלות השחר they should wash with a bracha. The Eishel Avraham has a chidush that the ruach hatumah will only cause damage if one has no plans to go back to sleep that night, and in case of need one may rely on this.

If one wakes up in the middle of the night and wants to take a drink or eat and it is difficult to get out of bed and wash (i.e. old person, sick person, pregnant woman etc.), it is enough to rub one’s hands on the blanket, and then recite the proper bracha on what they are drinking or eating.