The Rov will אי''ה be giving another contemporary halacha shiur this Thursday night. Before that shiur the Rov will be continuing the חומש רמב''ן shiur that was given after Succos. The חומש רמב''ן shiur will be at 8:30 followed by Maariv at 8:50 and the Halacha shiur at 9:05.
The topic of this weeks shiur will be the inyan of מוסר- reporting someone to government authorities.
Additionally the Rov will be giving a twice weekly Chaburah on יו''ד הלכות בשר בחלב. The Chaburah will be geared to those who are learning or have learned the Limud already. To join please call 0586882710.
The Rov also gives a short halacha shiur on Zoom Sun- Wed at 8:30 p.m. to receive the link please contact